Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back in Action

With a new camera, I've found I also have taken a new perspective in my photography. Sorry for the break. I am back. I will be back every day.

Today, this is my little bumble bee. He's taking in life. It's amazing to watch the simplicity of children. I believe our lives would all be a little simpler if we modeled them after children. All they need is time to observe. That which brings them the greatest joy is learning.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A last hoorah

These are some of the portraits photographed with Aubrey. That camera taught me that regardless of the quality of camera, art comes from within the heart. These are some of my favorites. It would be impossible for me to display every picture I took with it that I loved, but here are a few.

RIP My Beautiful Aubrey

I'm sad to report that I have not blogged in a month because I have lost a dear friend, Aubrey. Aubrey was my first DSLR. Named after one of my best friends in high school, she fulfilled her duties as a good camera. While in recent shoots, she wasn't my favorite camera to shoot with, she held a special place in my heart because she was mine. I didn't have to share her with my family. Standing at only 8 megapixels with only a 1600 ISO, she made up for it in love. Her generous 200,000 exposures were nearly all immaculate. RIP, Aubrey. You will be missed dearly.

Now, for those of you who wanted my stuffed breadstick recipe
-1 1/2 cups warm water
-2 TBS Sugar
-1 TBS Yeast
-3 1/2 Cups Flour
-1 tsp Salt
- 4-5 Mozzarella Cheese Sticks cut in half (lengthwise)

1½ cups warm water
2 Tbsp. sugar
1 Tbsp. yeast

Let that sit for 5 minutes. Then add:
3½ cups flour
1 tsp Salt

Mix until smooth then let raise for 10 minutes. Roll out dough into a large square on a floured surface. Brush with melted (real) butter mixed with garlic and then sprinkle with kosher salt. Cut into 1 inch strips. Twist around  mozzarella string cheese and place on a cooking sheet. Let sit for 15 to 20 minutes to raise. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Immediately after baking, brush with butter and sprinkle with kosher salt.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Day Behind

I wanted to take yesterday as an opportunity to express my gratitude for my beliefs. However, my niece came to visit us and play with our kids last night, and I went to bed totally forgetting to upload this picture.

Yesterday, as I was cleaning, I looked up on top of our toy bins to dust. Directly on top we have this tile (which was given  to us by our awesome Bishop and his wife), a picture of the Logan Temple, and a Scentsy that says "Give Thanks." Hanging above that we have a collage frame of our 2010 family pictures. It's the first thing you see when walking into our living room, and I love that. I'm so grateful to be able to display the things that are most important to our family. The best part is that it is on top of a bin dresser where we keep our kids toys. It may make our house look messy all of the time, but it also shows who is most important to us.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I believe that being a member of said church has blessed my life in so many ways. As our ward changes, I am constantly making new friends. I look forward to church because it's the time of the week when I can relax, socialize, and feel peace. Those are three things that mom's don't come by very often. I love having an atmosphere where Mason can make friends with children his age, and I can be close by. I know that by being a member of this church that my family will always be most important. I will always feel peace in knowing that Christ did sacrifice his life so that we may return to our Heavenly home. Because this sacrifice was made, I will do my best to live as an example of Christ's love. The tile above represents the promise that I will do my best on earth so I can be with my boys again.

That being said, I largely believe in religious tolerance. I have friends all over the religious spectrum. I love them dearly and I am also respectful of their values. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mommy's House Elves

First things first: I love my boys unconditionally, but they are terrorists. Mason was helping me put away the dishes and I opened the "stuff" drawer to put away a spatula. I was greeted with a guitar. I thought it was so cute I had to take a picture. Meanwhile, while I am distracted, my kids get into the pantry and pour a box of Cheerios and 25lb bag of flour (only about 5lb of it) on the floor. I thought Mason's shirt was very fitting for the occasion. Also, Brennan is displaying his I'm-cute-so-even-though-I-just-trashed-the-house-you-can't-resist-me face. He uses that one a lot. Guess what? It works.

These boys completely run my life with chaos, and I love every second. They are teaching me to juggle keeping up with them with taking adequate time to make sure they know that they are individually loved.  That has been the greatest challenge for me as a mother of two, individual time with each child. It was hard for me to accept that my second child cannot be as babied as the first. However, I see in their smiles and actions that they know they are my whole world. Knowing that they feel loved is a wonderful gift. I'm blessed with gratitude for their lives. I love every single one of their quarks, every single smile, every single hug and messy kiss, and every single moment.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Simple Introductions

I'm keeping the simplicity of yesterday's post in today's photos. I had figured since I introduced Brennan, it was time to introduce Mason. This is the older brother. Mason, a typical toddler, loves to run, tease, tickle his brother, and play with his big red ball. He sings "Hot Potato" by the Wiggles, with choreography. He's learning to construct whole sentences. He has the biggest heart of any child I have met. With such a passion for life, it's hard to be upset with him. I can only be calm in my actions to help him understand that with growth comes change.

I'm in love with toddler Levi's. Mason has several pairs. In fact, it's the only denim I buy for him. I think watching his little bum walk around in them is the cutest thing! Toddler Hanes socks are also adorable. When the two are put together it's like watching a mini-daddy walk around the house.

Both of these photos were taken with a 50mm fixed lens. It's perfect for portraits, but not always the right lens for toddlers who won't hold still. I wanted the shallow depth of field on his Levi's, and while he was holding still, I knew it was my only chance to catch his face.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Let's start this off

Every day I plan to post a new photograph from my daily adventures. My goal is to increase perspective on the every day. My hope is that in viewing of this blog, one may see how much love for life is contained within me.

But today, I'll start simple. This is my youngest son Brennan. He is smart, creative, fast, and genuinely the second child. Mentally, he is always striving to out smart his older brother. Physically, he is striving to keep up with him. Yes, this is Brennan. He is one of the many reasons I wake up with gratitude for life.