Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Day Behind

I wanted to take yesterday as an opportunity to express my gratitude for my beliefs. However, my niece came to visit us and play with our kids last night, and I went to bed totally forgetting to upload this picture.

Yesterday, as I was cleaning, I looked up on top of our toy bins to dust. Directly on top we have this tile (which was given  to us by our awesome Bishop and his wife), a picture of the Logan Temple, and a Scentsy that says "Give Thanks." Hanging above that we have a collage frame of our 2010 family pictures. It's the first thing you see when walking into our living room, and I love that. I'm so grateful to be able to display the things that are most important to our family. The best part is that it is on top of a bin dresser where we keep our kids toys. It may make our house look messy all of the time, but it also shows who is most important to us.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I believe that being a member of said church has blessed my life in so many ways. As our ward changes, I am constantly making new friends. I look forward to church because it's the time of the week when I can relax, socialize, and feel peace. Those are three things that mom's don't come by very often. I love having an atmosphere where Mason can make friends with children his age, and I can be close by. I know that by being a member of this church that my family will always be most important. I will always feel peace in knowing that Christ did sacrifice his life so that we may return to our Heavenly home. Because this sacrifice was made, I will do my best to live as an example of Christ's love. The tile above represents the promise that I will do my best on earth so I can be with my boys again.

That being said, I largely believe in religious tolerance. I have friends all over the religious spectrum. I love them dearly and I am also respectful of their values. 

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